6 Ways to Get Shiny Black Hair with Natural Ingredients

[Best Natural Products for black hair] Having shiny black hair and healthy hair is the dream of many people. Various ways are done by people to be able to blacken their hair to make it look charming. One of them is by coloring hair.

However, dyeing your hair, in the long run, will make your hair unhealthy and break down quickly. This is because of the chemical content in the hair dye that is used for a long time.

Having shiny hair, of course, will spend and spend the budget to care for it. For that, there is a solution that you can use, namely using natural ingredients in your home that are cheap and easy to get.

Here are six ways to make shiny black hair with natural ingredients

1. Mango

Mango is a fruit that is rich in fiber for consumption. In addition, the nutritional content in mangoes is also very good for hair care. Not only that, but the vitamin A content can also restore a natural shine to your hair. [African hair products for hair growth]

It's easy, take a few mango leaves and one to two mangoes. After that, grind the two ingredients into a paste. Then let this paste sit in the sun for a few hours. You can apply this paste on your hair , let it sit for a while, then rinse it off with clean water when shampooing.

2. Coconut oil with lemon

Coconut oil is considered to be an ingredient that can make black hair shiny. Coconut oil contains lauric acid and has been shown to help reduce protein deficiency in hair. Coconut oil is able to get absorbed into the layers of the hair shaft, helping to deal with the damage.

While lemon makes hair skin healthier through the acid content of the peel. The benefits of lemon being a natural ingredient that makes hair shiny and dense and the nutritional content in lemon can help hair growth.

You can make your own natural ingredients at home. The trick, by heating half a cup of virgin coconut oil over low heat. Then put half a cup of lemon juice in it and mix well. Then wait for it to cool.

After that, prepare the mixture earlier by applying it to your hair and massage it from the top to the ends of the hair. You can easily do this method regularly at home in order to get good results.

3. Shallots

[Natural hair store online] Onions contain high antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E, and contain sulfur which can protect hair keratin from loss. Red onions can also stimulate blood circulation in the head and promote hair growth.

Next, you can make the shallots into a paste. Then apply the paste all over the hair from the top of the head to the ends of the hair. After that you let stand for a few minutes with a shower cap and rinse with clean water when shampooing.

4. Aloe Vera

This green plant can make your hair luscious and shiny. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that are linked to hair growth.

This content has a good ability for scalp health. You can use aloe vera to blacken hair. You do this by peeling the aloe vera skin as thin as possible. Then take the aloe vera meat or gel and squeeze it until you get the liquid.

After that, apply the liquid to all parts of the hair and cover with a hair cap for one hour. Then rinse your hair using warm water and let it dry naturally

5. Black Coffee

The acidic content of coffee can actually help rebalance the pH level of the hair and scalp. Ground coffee can also shed dead skin cells from the scalp.

In addition, the caffeine content in coffee can effectively stimulate hair roots and promote stronger hair growth. Coffee can also make your hair appear naturally black.

The way you can do this is by dissolving black coffee until cold. After that, apply to all parts of the skin and hair. Then the hair that has been spread evenly can be made in a bun and covered with a hair cap for 30 minutes. Next, rinse using clean water.

6. Black Tea

The nutrients from black tea are also very good for your hair compared to the health benefits of black tea. The high levels of antioxidants and caffeine in black tea are beneficial for hair health.

Caffeine can decrease hormones that cause hair loss, while antioxidants promote healthy hair growth. However, excess caffeine can inhibit hair growth, so you should be careful not to overuse black tea.

Black tea can also make your hair look shiny black. The trick, make several cups of black tea using six tablespoons or six tea bags. After that, cool and pour it into your hair. Let it steep for up to 30 minutes, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.


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