
Showing posts with the label black hair

5 ways to black hair with natural ingredients without going to a salon

  [best natural hair products for black hair] Many people desire to have  black hair  and naturally shiny.  Therefore, there are many ways that people do to blacken their hair.  One of them is by coloring it in a salon. Coloring your hair  in a salon can indeed make you have black hair as you wish.  However, the use of chemical hair dyes of course can harm and damage hair.  In addition, to have shiny hair, of course, you have to do routine maintenance.  Of course, in doing this hair treatment, you have to spend or prepare a separate budget. Instead of paying for expensive hair care, it's better to use natural ingredients.  Of course, using natural ingredients is healthier and you can have naturally black hair. In addition, if your hair is damaged, even how to blacken your hair with natural ingredients can help restore hair nutrition.  Various natural ingredients can be used as a way to blacken hair. 1. Candlenut Oil It's no secret ...

6 Ways to Get Shiny Black Hair with Natural Ingredients

[Best Natural Products for black hair] Having  shiny black  hair  and healthy  hair  is the dream of many people.  Various ways are done by people to be able to blacken their hair to make it look charming.  One of them is by coloring hair. However, dyeing your hair, in the long run, will make your hair unhealthy and break down quickly.  This is because of the chemical content in the hair dye that is used for a long time. Having shiny hair, of course, will spend and spend the budget to care for it.  For that, there is a solution that you can use, namely using natural ingredients in your home that are cheap and easy to get. Here are six ways to make  shiny black  hair  with natural ingredients 1. Mango Mango is a fruit that is rich in fiber for consumption.  In addition, the nutritional content in mangoes is also very good for hair care.  Not only that, but the vitamin A content can also restore a natural shine to your...